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When Love Rides Out
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When Love Rides OutAn historical romance set in 18th century France, when a Regent rules on behalf of nine year old Louis XV. Sylvie Berthaud is grateful to her guardian, Jean Aubade, who took her into his household when she was an orphan child. Now a beautiful woman, she aspires to be a sculptor and architect, and help Jean to win the competition to design the Duc's stables at Chantilly. But his chances are threatened by Sylvie's sworn enemy, Guy de Barre, who desires her and will do anything to make her his. As a close adviser to the Duc, he has the power to propose another architect for the commission: Yves Sainton. So when Sylvie encounters Yves unexpectedly, her feelings for him are not friendly. His arrogant manner only reinforces her conviction that he is not to be trusted. But he is also the most handsome man she has ever seen.

The Price of Beauty

The Price Of Beauty